Cinéma de la Plage 2024
The Festival de Cannes under the stars
Every day at 9:30PM, the Festival de Cannes reinvents itself as night falls, transforming the Croisette’s Plage Macé, opposite the Majestic hotel, into an open-air cinema.
In addition to the screenings, meetings and Official Selection events held at the Palais des Festivals, this is another way for everyone to get involved to the great cinema party.
On the programme for the 77th Festival: teams on stage, world premieres, suspense, action, Jackie Chan, Brian De Palma, Martin Scorsese, Rachid Bouchareb, Tony Gatlif, Danny Boyle, the continuation of the tribute to Studio Ghibli, and much more…
This now traditional rendezvous is open to festival-goers and all audiences, with a choice “warm-up” act every evening: the duo TwinSelecter. Rock, pop, soul, funk, punk, mambo, electro, film soundtracks, jazz, disco, psychedelic, hiphop, garage, to get you going before the screening!
Register By April 9
Tuesday May 14
TRAINSPOTTING (4K restoration)
Danny Boyle
1995 – 1h34 – UK
Wednesday May 15
Judith Godrèche
2024 – 17mins – France
Screening in the presence of the film team
Jean-Paul Guigue & Julien Berjeaut
2024 – 1h20 – France, Belgium
Screening in the presence of the film team
Thursday May 16
Thierry Teston in collaboration with Lisa Azuelos
2024 – 1h18 – France
Screening in the presence of the film team
Friday May 17
Martin Scorsese
1985 – 1h37 – USA
Saturday May 18
Daniel Burman
2024 – 1h40 – Argentina
Screening in the presence of the film team
Sunday May 19
INDIGÈNES (Days of Glory)
Rachid Bouchareb
2006 – 2h10 – France
Screening in the presence of Rachid Bouchareb
Monday May 20 – A short night with Ghibli
Gorô Miyazaki
2006 – 1h55 – Japan
Screening in the presence of Gorô Miyazaki
Followed by PORCO ROSSO
Hayao Miyazaki
1992 – 1h33 – Japan
Thursday May 21
Tony Gatlif
2004 – 1h43 – France
Screening in the presence of Tony Gatlif
Wednesday May 22
Jean-François Laguionie
2024 – 1h15 – Luxemburg, France
Screening in the presence of the film team
Thursday May 23
Jackie Chan
1991 – 1h57 – China
Friday May 24
NUEVE REINAS (Nine Queens)
Fabian Bielinsky
2000 – 1h54 – Argentina
Saturday May 25
Brian De Palma
1974 – 1h31- USA
The 77th Festival de Cannes will take place from Tuesday May 14 to Saturday May 25, 2024.
Dame Adrienne Papp and Dr. Sir Garth Fisher

Adrienne Papp, Inventor of the Youthful and Ageless™ Platform

Adrienne Papp, Author of Cover Story of Kathy Ireland

Adrienne Papp, Rock Climber
Dame Adrienne Papp and Dr. Sir Garth Fisher

Adrienne Papp

Adrienne Papp at the Ranch of Anti-Aging Surgent of Youthful and Ageless
Adrienne Papp Interviewing Terrence Stamp, Lifetime Achievement Award

Adrienne Papp of Youthful and Ageless
by Adrienne Papp™?

Adrienne Papp In the Famous Karolinska Institute of Sweden

About the Author of This Article: Adrienne Papp is a recognized journalist, economist and feature writer, who has written for many publications including Savoir; The Westside Today Publications ; such as Beverly Hills 90210; Malibu Beach; Santa Monica Sun; The Beverly Hills Times; Brentwood News; Bel-Air View ; Celebrity Society ; Celeb Staff ; It Magazine; Chic Today; LA2DAY; West Side Today among many others. She is the President and CEO of Los Angeles / New York-based publicity company, Atlantic Publicity and publishing house, Atlantic Publisher. Adrienne writes about world trends, Quantum Physics, entertainment and interviews celebrities, world leaders, inventors, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. She also owns Atlantic United Films that produces and finances true stories made for theatrical release or the silver screen. Spotlight News Magazine is owned by Atlantic Publicity that just opened a new extension to it : PublicityLosAngeles. Adrienne Papp is a member of the International Press Academy.She is the Founder, CEO and President of Youthful & Ageless ™, Bringing Information to Billions™, An Honorable Cause™, Atlantic Publicity Articles, Latest Ageless, Events Photo Collection, Linked In Profile, Movie Data Base Profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youthful and Ageless Google+, Atlantic Publicity Google+, Atlantic Publisher Google+, Adrienne Papp Google+, Adrienne Papp Personal Google+, Spotlight News Magazine, Atlantic Publicity Productions, Atlantic Altitude, Altitude Pacific, Atlantic Publicity Photography and Filming, About Adrienne Papp What Others Say AtlanticPublicitySEO, BrilliantMarketing365, An Honorable Cause, Academic Research, Knighthood Today, Youthful and Ageless™. She was knighted and became a Dame in 2010. Her official name is Lady Adrienne Papp and Dame Adrienne Papp. Voting Member of The International Press Academy and The Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is the Managing Editorial Director of The Beverly Hills Times Magazine, and Hollywood Weekly. She has a Master of Science in Economics majoring Logistics; an MBA Degree; An International Law, Trade and Finance Postgraduate: Marketing and Advertising Postgraduate from NYU and UCLA. Guest Professor at Oxford University; Director and Producer of TV and Airline On Camera Editorials; Adrienne Papp Enterprises