A Conversation with Nick Mysore (Got Milk?) and Lady Adrienne Papp, Marketing Dynamo.
By Michael Koehn
We are living in an era where the old paradigms are falling away and new ones replacing them every day. In a day and age where vision is more important than ever, the ability to see the future and anticipate its needs, a new form of marketing and branding has arrived with a platform called Youthful and Ageless™. One of the interesting features of the platform is that although it is health related in various aspects, it also accommodates large corporations contributing to a better world; new academic discoveries including even Neuroplasticity; and adding to it the entertainment industry with movies made out of true stories. “While all of the above serves everyone subject by subject, there is a tremendous humanitarian aspect to this platform as well. It is basically built on educational principles that people do care about and want to learn as much as they possibly can.” says Papp, who created Youthful and Ageless™
Unlike a typical website, Youthful and Ageless™ is a multifaceted platform that leverages the most trusted marketing venues by combining high profile TV cable networks, airlines, print media, and a multitiered combination of various entrepreneurial sites thus providing the most robust, yet simple, internet presence even mathematically. This is a platform that values content rich information, which Google loves, and allows small companies and entrepreneurs get on the air, which they otherwise could not afford. It also ensures that visitors of the platform recognize and learn brand new information that they otherwise would not have known even existed, and most likely found the platform while looking for some other information. This is not only an add-on value, but it is quantitative for everyone on a win-win bases, most importantly for the consumer.

“In terms of technology it is very advanced and intriguing because in a way we take the spoken word into the air and broadcast it in a systematically perfected design talking only to those consumers that are actively looking for our content, but have a hard time finding it in the jungle of the Internet. So, in simple terms we “pre-qualify” the demographics for those companies and practitioners we showcase on our platform for their outstanding products and services, which value however the consumer would not find or understand in any other way except through Y&A. We created a logistically robust, yet simple and sophisticated ( www.SimplicityandSophistication”) way to reach over half a billion target demographics.” says Papp.
“The platform’s primary focus is wellness and health, or in other words: a Youthful and Ageless™ lifestyle. As mentioned, we also include true human stories battling health crises and sponsors of research without whom there would not be enough financing for advanced discoveries. This fact is beautifully featured in the film “Living Proof,” which is included on our platform.
And there are those companies we call “An Honorable Cause” due to their sincere care for the human condition by showing a serious commitment to increase consciousness. Our entrepreneurs, and larger corporations ( mainly with human cause financing) can get their message across to millions of consumers on our platform due to its structural logistics.” adds Papp
In an interview with Nick Mysore (the man who came up with the iconic “Got Milk” campaign) and Youthful and Ageless™’ creator and marketing guru, Adrienne Papp, some of these new concepts are explored in a Q&A.

So, what is happening in the current marketing environment?
Nick Mysore: Traditional ways of advertising aren’t working anymore, which is why Adrienne has created an entirely new way of talking about anti-aging products and companies. So, what is this new way of getting information out to people? It’s a platform, a place that showcases companies and their products up, close and personal. It’s a place where anti-aging companies and products can get directly in front of the consumer. Adrienne picks and chooses the kinds of companies that consumers can relate to and offers them a trusted combination of exposure where potential buyers can go to look for anti-aging products and companies and also learn about them. Editorial articles and on-camera interviews bring the owners / creators of these novelty companies closer to the consumer. Additionally, the introduction of these unique companies is repeated on a constant bases, which never existed before in marketing.
Adrienne Papp: Clients who decide to become part of the platform get the added value of ongoing messaging to millions of visitors and a tie in with national broadcasting on some of the highest profile cable channels, like Fox Business News, The Travel Channel, Oxygen, the OWN (Oprah) network and others. Nothing is more popular now than anti-aging products and services going down to the cellular level and increasing the functionality of the immune system. New science sometimes does not see the light of day for decades. The platform is the place where all of those products can be discovered by a maximum number of consumers, who do care about the scientific backing of the potentiality of these products and services. The rest of the platform is also purely educational.

NM: Adrienne’s platform showcases the best new products in the anti-aging and wellness field and explains how they work. Her platform is a place to get those companies in front of the consumer. Adrienne picks and chooses only the best that consumers can relate to and most importantly learn about. And consumers have a verifiable site to go to look at the best anti-aging companies. Consumers know that they don’t pay for anything; it’s the “exhibitor” (companies and entrepreneurs featured) that pay to have their products showcased on Adrienne’s platform. It’s a very cost-effective way for them to get in front of the consumers, due to the comprehensive nature of the platform as opposed to taking out an ad on their own. The fact that it is also consumer friendly is only making it a lot more popular for every single participant as well as the consumer.
AP: We both believe in a Youthful and Ageless™ way of life. And products achieving that by offering solutions are so needed today. The platform is the place where we share their stories. In order to be selected for the platform there is a fee associated with it, and for that fee those companies will be able to get in front of a maximum number of consumers that are laser sharp targets because simultaneously they are also looking for the best, but it is hard to find something one can trust. That’s what the platform promises to do and that’s why there’s a fee associated with it. We need to maintain this unique technology while at the same time featured companies have their own private page summarizing their own individual achievements. And that individual touch is a must. Not only because basically nothing is about the brand anymore, – the Internet took that out,- rather it is about the people making these specific products, or the doctors providing unique next generational services, and how the consumer can relate to that and engage in their human element story.
A great example of this is a TV Network commentator medical doctor who wrote a book about the cellular level human immunology even before the pandemic has hit the world. Similarly, our platform had been in development since I first started developing it in 2016 and we came out with it in late November of 2018 when we first aired on three high profile TV networks. Shark Tank superstar, Mark Cuban, has also been interviewed on television about the importance of these novelty products and services needing to get to the consumers now more than ever.
Once a famous architect, Daniel Burnham said “Make no little plans, for they have no magic to stir man’s blood.”
NM: Adrienne and Youthful and Ageless™ is providing a unique service, especially for new and start-up companies with limited budgets. These companies can find their customers on Youthful and Ageless™, and while there’s a cost the value and return on investment upside is huge.
Why is this new platform so important for companies to know about?
AP: The Youthful and Ageless™ platform is promoted every day in rotation on national television cable networks. We also include our clients in my “Editor’s Choice: Best of the Best” section of the Hollywood Weekly Magazine called “ Youthful and Ageless™ is Brining You America’s Most Promising Companies and Practitioners in Health and Wellness, ” which promotes the company or provider as one of the most significant up and coming businesses in the country. But the brief description in Hollywood Weekly is not enough for the consumer to understand the full story behind a certain anti-aging product or service, therefore they cannot associate or emotionally engage with the product or the company.
Anti-aging is a lot more potent today than just plastic surgery. It is basically a new science that has not yet set in. The aging process can be slowed down on a cellular level. The education out there about this is almost nothing, although there is very serious science behind it. And that is what we explain in various media formats. The consumer is comfortable because with just one click they can learn everything about any vendor. We also broadcast every day on national television and tailor make 30 second editorial style commercials on such reputable channels as Oprah, now the OWN channel. These media exposures create a tremendous trust in the consumer’s mind because we are very open and honest. And, it helps the vendor not only to be discovered ( this part is my favorite: people think that being on the first page of Google is important, but it is not unless the consumer ALREADY knows the vendor’s name and that alone takes statistically 17 years) but also these individual vendors have a lot more pairs of eyes looking at them on the collective platform. And that, I believe is priceless.

Can you explain the concept in a way that most people can easily understand?
NM: When I talk about Youthful and Ageless™, I like to compare it to a site like cargurus.com or Edmunds.com. These are platforms to sell cars, which enables a dealer to put their inventory on a platform and sell them quickly. The platform is the equivalent of those sites in the way that it provides an inventory of anti-aging companies and products in one place. This is important, as it gives smaller entrepreneurial companies and practitioners a chance to compete very effectively, and with minimal cost. She is providing an edge to smaller entrepreneurial companies, allowing wide exposure to thousands of media outlets, and she is the only one doing this. There is not an even similar concept out there than Adrienne’s. She is a marketing dynamo and is doing this out of passion to help new companies who need cost-effective marketing expertise.
AP: “When I talk to clients, they understand that my company is the one sponsoring the commercials on three networks every single day. So, as the founder of Youthful and Ageless™ it is my investment. And, I walked on fire for it, “ she adds. But, at the same time if participants / companies on the platform are not presented professionally enough individually, the consumers won’t care or understand the product. That is why we insist on a comprehensive exposure on everyone on the platform. It is a new industry. There is no education. We need conversations, we need to go deeper and educate about academic discoveries. I love doing that because unfortunately research institutes do not have any money to market themselves. And that means all of us are lacking crucial information. I myself am a living example of that. The public does not know enough. Also, people relate to people and not to products. The best example is Steve Jobs, who I even wrote about. We did not understand the first thing about emails or computers at the time, and most of the time his products were dysfunctional, yet everyone wanted to know about Jobs and Wozniak in the garage. Then consumers bought the products because they could relate to the work involved and the mindset of the creators of it. There was a synergy.

I’m passionate about what I’m doing and put a tremendous work into it. Basically, everything I have and 5 years of my life, but if it helps just one person out there, I am happy.
The platform caters to lots and lots of companies especially when they come in early on before media prices go up even more due to everything going on in the world now plus our election year. Investing solo for any company into marketing for branding purposes only would cost them more than their production itself. When I worked at the World Trade Centers on investment opportunities, I was shocked how many times start-ups left out marketing dollars just to save a little money and look more “appealing,” with their presentation, but then when I asked “ how do you suppose people will buy this?” they could not answer. The truth is that an investor rather gives a startup more money and wanting to see profits back than give less only to see the company fail thus losing his investment.
So, is marketing and publicity important? Yes, John Travolta became John Travolta because he went broke early on by giving all his money to publicity. He understood what it does. Bill Gates said if he was down to his last dollar, he would spend it on publicity, and that is just how the world works. Because without publicity a horrible thing happens: Nothing!
The exposures we offer will put our clients on their way to distinguishing themselves from other companies on an ongoing bases. And, they establish a one on one relationship with the consumer, just like the consumer now can establish a personal relationship with the manufacturer or doctor through Youthful and Ageless™. That is why I want to make it clear to potential clients that they want to be on a content-rich platform early on because the more content the higher ranking; and achieving that kind of ranking and that kind of content that hundreds of companies in concert can create is impossible for anyone on their singly website. If you have a website today but you are not on our platform, your site will rank way behind us simply due to logistics, mathematics and algorithm.
NM: Any anti-aging or wellness company should be on this platform to get themselves to stand out. It’s important in this current business climate that a company, especially a smaller start up with limited budget, use all the tools available to them, and nobody has more tools that Adrienne Papp and her multi-faceted platform, Youthful and Ageless™.

About the Author of This Article: Adrienne Papp is a recognized journalist, economist and feature writer, who has written for many publications including Savoir; The Westside Today Publications ; such as Beverly Hills 90210; Malibu Beach; Santa Monica Sun; The Beverly Hills Times; Brentwood News; Bel-Air View ; Celebrity Society ; Celeb Staff ; It Magazine; Chic Today; LA2DAY; West Side Today among many others. She is the President and CEO of Los Angeles / New York-based publicity company, Atlantic Publicity and publishing house, Atlantic Publisher. Adrienne writes about world trends, Quantum Physics, entertainment and interviews celebrities, world leaders, inventors, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. She also owns Atlantic United Films that produces and finances true stories made for theatrical release or the silver screen. Spotlight News Magazine is owned by Atlantic Publicity that just opened a new extension to it : PublicityLosAngeles. Adrienne Papp is a member of the International Press Academy.She is the Founder, CEO and President of Youthful & Ageless ™, Bringing Information to Billions™, An Honorable Cause™ www.LatestAgeless.com. www.OurMediaVenuesAndCompanies.com, Atlantic Publicity Articles, Latest Ageless, Events Photo Collection, Linked In Profile, Movie Data Base Profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youthful and Ageless Google+, Atlantic Publicity Google+, Atlantic Publisher Google+, Adrienne Papp Google+, Adrienne Papp Personal Google+, Spotlight News Magazine, Atlantic Publicity Productions, Atlantic Altitude, Altitude Pacific, Atlantic Publicity Photography and Filming, About Adrienne Papp What Others Say AtlanticPublicitySEO, BrilliantMarketing365, An Honorable Cause, Academic Research, Knighthood Today, Youthful and Ageless™. She was knighted and became a Dame in 2010. Her official name is Lady Adrienne Papp and Dame Adrienne Papp. Voting Member of The International Press Academy and The Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is the Managing Editorial Director of The Beverly Hills Times Magazine, and Hollywood Weekly. She has a Master of Science in Economics majoring Logistics; an MBA Degree; An International Law, Trade and Finance Postgraduate: Marketing and Advertising Postgraduate from NYU and UCLA. Guest Professor at Oxford University; Director and Producer of TV and Airline On Camera Editorials; Adrienne Papp Enterprises