By Adrienne Papp
New Media Film Festival®, an innovative and award-winning* festival created in 2009, celebrates stories, technology, and platforms. We continually implement new opportunities outside the norm to bolster creators in media.
Judges from HBO, MARVEL, EMMYS, PBS, BBC & more. $45,000.00 In Awards
Through our boundary pushing ideology, we create an environment for creators to thrive. New Media Film Festival® is an infinite catalyst for story and technology. Not just any stories, but the stories worth telling.
All submissions come with perks – one of them is consideration for distribution.
NETFLIX – 1st look deal, documentaries specifically.
AMC-1st look deal, feature length, & series – all types
New – NFT category
New – PITCHING – our Producer Panel & Pitching is now online. Submit your Pitch today!
New – One Page Feedback add on to Script Category
June 1 & 2 2022 at the state of the art theater, The Landmark in Los Angeles CA USA
Day 1 Full Day Online Screenings & Live Q & A’s
Day 2 In Person VIP Soiree – Live Music – Opening Night Programming (screenings Q & A, special
guests) – Awards Ceremony.
All categories –
360, AR, AI, 5D, Animation, Apps, Artwork, Digital Comics, Documentary, Drone, Feature, Mixed
Reality, Mobile/Tablet, Music Only, Music Video, NFT, New Media, Pilots, Pitching, Podcasts,
Scripts, Shorts, Sniplers (30 second pitch), SR- Socially Responsible, STEAM, Student, Trailers, TV,
Virtual Reality, Web Series, Web Series Promo (one scene)
**Please note, New Media category includes Gaming, Tech Vlog’s, VE, Vertical, Live, Location
Based, etc.
Why submit?
-EMMYS ® Award Consulting & Broadcasting for 1 project per festival
-Have opportunities outside of festival
-We are a UFFO code of practices Member
-Submit- Online, Public, Novice & Expert Content
-28 Categories with these award considerations
-Best in Category, Audience & Grand Prize Awards
-IMDB Official Event
-$45,000.00 in Awards
-Judges from HBO, Marvel, BBC, PBS, Emmys & more.
“Worth The Entry Fee”- Movie Maker Magazine
"Makes the cutting edge accessible" – Huffington Post
“I thank NewMediaFF for what they’ve done for young filmmakers” -Legendary Director, Roger Corman
”The role of this fest is bringing the Best in New Media to the World”-Festival World
Put your innovative work forward and join the unique community of content creators at New Media
Film Festival® – submit today!
* Awards –
Best Digital Festival – Lux Life
Los Angeles Award for Excellence in Broadcast Media Services
Women’s History: Dedicated Servant of Global Change
TMT Award for Excellence in Visual Storytelling Events – West Coast USA
CA State Business Awards: Best Arts & Entertainment Annual Event
City of Los Angeles: Certificate of Appreciation
Certificate of Appreciation Hispanic Awards
Awards & Prizes
Content Creators vie for a chance at $45,000 USD value in a mix of services, meetings with HBO,
Arpix Media & Marvel reps.
Emmys Award Consultant & Broadcast for 1 accredited entry.
BEST OF CATEGORY Award winners receive:
A customized hand painted wood Slate Board
An opportunity for a Distribution deal
Top 3 Scripts & Best Script will receive memberships worth over $1000 each
This award encompasses it all: Story, Production Value, Above & Below the line, everything you need to finish your current project or get started on a new one.
A customized hand painted wood Slate Board
An opportunity for a Distribution deal
Studio time in Los Angeles CA
Meeting with HBO
Meeting with Marvel
Script Reader Pro package
Filmustage Awards package
West One Music Group Package
Post Production Services from Mongo Media
Meeting with Arpix Media Inc., CEO Ron Proulx
Casting Services for your project provided by Susan Johnston Casting
Resources and Production Consulting provided by Select Services Films Inc.
The same memberships as Script category winners above.
The Grand Prize Award Package and category winner awards are valued at over $45,000.00 and are non transferable. These are in kind services only and cannot be redeemed for cash. Good for one year from date of festival won at. All scheduling subject to availability.
If you are not present when we announce your name at the Awards Ceremony, we will ship your personalized award upon receipt of a pre-paid shipping label or the cost to ship.

About the Author of This Article: Adrienne Papp is a recognized journalist, economist and feature writer, who has written for many publications including Savoir; The Westside Today Publications ; such as Beverly Hills 90210; Malibu Beach; Santa Monica Sun; The Beverly Hills Times; Brentwood News; Bel-Air View ; Celebrity Society ; Celeb Staff ; It Magazine; Chic Today; LA2DAY; West Side Today among many others. She is the President and CEO of Los Angeles / New York-based publicity company, Atlantic Publicity and publishing house, Atlantic Publisher. Adrienne writes about world trends, Quantum Physics, entertainment and interviews celebrities, world leaders, inventors, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. She also owns Atlantic United Films that produces and finances true stories made for theatrical release or the silver screen. Spotlight News Magazine is owned by Atlantic Publicity that just opened a new extension to it : PublicityLosAngeles. Adrienne Papp is a member of the International Press Academy.She is the Founder, CEO and President of Youthful & Ageless ™, Bringing Information to Billions™, An Honorable Cause™, Atlantic Publicity Articles, Latest Ageless, Events Photo Collection, Linked In Profile, Movie Data Base Profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youthful and Ageless Google+, Atlantic Publicity Google+, Atlantic Publisher Google+, Adrienne Papp Google+, Adrienne Papp Personal Google+, Spotlight News Magazine, Atlantic Publicity Productions, Atlantic Altitude, Altitude Pacific, Atlantic Publicity Photography and Filming, About Adrienne Papp What Others Say AtlanticPublicitySEO, BrilliantMarketing365, An Honorable Cause, Academic Research, Knighthood Today, Youthful and Ageless™. She was knighted and became a Dame in 2010. Her official name is Lady Adrienne Papp and Dame Adrienne Papp. Voting Member of The International Press Academy and The Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is the Managing Editorial Director of The Beverly Hills Times Magazine, and Hollywood Weekly. She has a Master of Science in Economics majoring Logistics; an MBA Degree; An International Law, Trade and Finance Postgraduate: Marketing and Advertising Postgraduate from NYU and UCLA. Guest Professor at Oxford University; Director and Producer of TV and Airline On Camera Editorials; Adrienne Papp Enterprises