20th Anniversary Screening of ” The Shawshank Redemption,” By Adrienne Papp
Be Who You Are and Stand Above the Crowd, By Robert C. Jameson, Published by Adrienne Papp
The Value of Love, By Robert C. Jameson, Published By Adrienne Papp
Give Generously and Let Go, what does that mean and why should I give at all? By Robert C. Jameson, Published By Adrienne Papp
The Academy Celebrated Hollywood Costume with Private Luncheon, By Adrienne Papp
Opening Night Gala Reception A Music and Art Experience, By Adrienne Papp
The Value of Love, Was it the winding roads,…By Robert C. Jameson
Give Generously and Let Go! A fascinating read by Robert C. Jameson
Be Careful of Your Thoughts: They Control Your Destiny, By Robert C. Jameson
Adrienne Papp has been a known insider in the industry as a writer on current, true and essential entertainment topics.