Adrienne Papp of Adrienne Papp Enterprises had earlier announced a new relationship with a well-respected practitioner in the health and wellness industry – Deborah Maragopoulos – in a book project. The project is delayed and off the table for now, but will be worth waiting for.
As crucial questions remain about her life and special talents, the publishing project has been postponed to date to be announced later. “I have not yet received answers to questions that are important about Deborah’s life journey and special talents, due to time constraints and other circumstances.”
Maragopoulos decided early in her career to focus on a comprehensive, intuitive approach to patient healing. What she found out in dealing with her patients was that she intuitively understood a lot more of what was going on besides the actual physical symptoms. “That is why I was persuaded to work with her and better understand her extraordinary approach,” Papp adds.
“I could tell with some of my patients that they had been victims of physical assault for instance,” Maragopoulos says. “I could feel it through them.”

One of the questions to be answered is how Deborah detects emotional, mental, and severe psychological abuse, all of which are destructive and are governed by the “think-feel – feel, think” mechanism, which all comes from the hypothalamus in the biological sense, which is the cornerstone of her practice. Once all questions are answered the book is expected to become a best seller in the health and wellness field and will allow one to heal herself/himself. The book will also eventually receive promotions on various cable networks.
It’s a compelling story, with the book project announced earlier this year and in development since June, 2018, to be written by veteran journalist, Adrienne Papp, who has a number of diplomas in various fields, and will be detailing Maragopoulos’ story in a way that would have people reading the book in bed at night. With almost epidemic levels of disease across the world, it’s a story that is more topical than ever.
Once the publishing deal is back on the table, the book is designed to cover not only all of the above, but how her early childhood experiences contributed to her extraordinary success as she paid more and more attention to her inner voice; adding to it the importance of her career as a comprehensive, intuitive nurse practitioner and her franchise plans to a worldwide network of wellness practitioners.
“We are disappointed that the book project has stalled for now,” says Papp who is into quantum physics / guest professor of marketing, and is a publicist among many other professions. Debora Maragopoulos is unique and has a very different, and more comprehensive approach than any other practitioner. The public must understand her work better, and how the hypothalamus governs everything. I am an active 9/11 victim and a cancer survivor. I know what she is talking about, especially the emotional, mental and psychological abuse factor. I support her comprehensive approach, and I understand her financial needs to gain freedom for her franchise,” adds Papp.
Information on Deborah Maragopoulos’ forthcoming book, as authored by journalist and publicist Adrienne Papp, will be announced as the project moves forward later this year.
Company Name: Genesis Health Products, Inc.
Contact Name: Deborah Maragopoulos
City: Ojai
State: CA
Country: USA
Phone: (805) 640-3341
Website URL:
SPECIAL NOTE: For the first time in my career in the health and wellness industry publications refuse to post URL links on their websites that promote anything that is considered a natural supplement. Here is a direct quote that held up hundreds of publications publishing the above article for weeks and months. Here is a direct quote from them: ” Media outlets do not accept any write-up that promotes and link to dietary and herbal supplements, health supplements, and other supplements. ( Kindly revise accordingly.”
The sentence in red is the reason as to why in all media outlets one can click on this article ( as we NEEDED IN A MANDATORY FASHION TO LIST A URL to the vendor but could not truthfully list the URL. Discrepancy? In my opinion, it is worse than that: “you MUST list a URL but not the vendor’s.” I honestly do not even know what to say to such nonsense. Therefore, here we are listing the vendor’s website. In my personal opinion, if the tendency on the Internet is to NOT list companies’ sites where they sell their products for as long as they fall into the category listed in red, there will be a lot of very serious problems for a lot of companies and the Internet dictating our lives more and more, and causing a tremendous conflict unnecessarily between people is a dangerous game.
Here I am listing the rest of the links this extraordinary health practitioner has:
About the Author of This Article: Adrienne Papp is a recognized journalist, economist and feature writer, who has written for many publications including Savoir; The Westside Today Publications ; such as Beverly Hills 90210; Malibu Beach; Santa Monica Sun; The Beverly Hills Times; Brentwood News; Bel-Air View ; Celebrity Society ; Celeb Staff ; It Magazine; Chic Today; LA2DAY; West Side Today among many others. She is the President and CEO of Los Angeles / New York-based publicity company, Atlantic Publicity and publishing house, Atlantic Publisher. Adrienne writes about world trends, Quantum Physics, entertainment and interviews celebrities, world leaders, inventors, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. She also owns Atlantic United Films that produces and finances true stories made for theatrical release or the silver screen. Spotlight News Magazine is owned by Atlantic Publicity that just opened a new extension to it : PublicityLosAngeles. Adrienne Papp is a member of the International Press Academy.She is the Founder, CEO and President of Youthful & Ageless ™, Bringing Information to Billions™, An Honorable Cause™, Atlantic Publicity Articles, Latest Ageless, Events Photo Collection, Linked In Profile, Movie Data Base Profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youthful and Ageless Google+, Atlantic Publicity Google+, Atlantic Publisher Google+, Adrienne Papp Google+, Adrienne Papp Personal Google+, Spotlight News Magazine, Atlantic Publicity Productions, Atlantic Altitude, Altitude Pacific, Atlantic Publicity Photography and Filming, About Adrienne Papp What Others Say AtlanticPublicitySEO, BrilliantMarketing365, An Honorable Cause, Academic Research, Knighthood Today, Youthful and Ageless™. She was knighted and became a Dame in 2010. Her official name is Lady Adrienne Papp and Dame Adrienne Papp. Voting Member of The International Press Academy and The Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is the Managing Editorial Director of The Beverly Hills Times Magazine, and Hollywood Weekly. She has a Master of Science in Economics majoring Logistics; an MBA Degree; An International Law, Trade and Finance Postgraduate: Marketing and Advertising Postgraduate from NYU and UCLA. Guest Professor at Oxford University; Director and Producer of TV and Airline On Camera Editorials; Adrienne Papp Enterprises

About the Author of This Article: Adrienne Papp is a recognized journalist, economist and feature writer, who has written for many publications including Savoir; The Westside Today Publications ; such as Beverly Hills 90210; Malibu Beach; Santa Monica Sun; The Beverly Hills Times; Brentwood News; Bel-Air View ; Celebrity Society ; Celeb Staff ; It Magazine; Chic Today; LA2DAY; West Side Today among many others. She is the President and CEO of Los Angeles / New York-based publicity company, Atlantic Publicity and publishing house, Atlantic Publisher. Adrienne writes about world trends, Quantum Physics, entertainment and interviews celebrities, world leaders, inventors, philanthropists and entrepreneurs. She also owns Atlantic United Films that produces and finances true stories made for theatrical release or the silver screen. Spotlight News Magazine is owned by Atlantic Publicity that just opened a new extension to it : PublicityLosAngeles. Adrienne Papp is a member of the International Press Academy.She is the Founder, CEO and President of Youthful & Ageless ™, Bringing Information to Billions™, An Honorable Cause™, Atlantic Publicity Articles, Latest Ageless, Events Photo Collection, Linked In Profile, Movie Data Base Profile, Twitter, Instagram, Youthful and Ageless Google+, Atlantic Publicity Google+, Atlantic Publisher Google+, Adrienne Papp Google+, Adrienne Papp Personal Google+, Spotlight News Magazine, Atlantic Publicity Productions, Atlantic Altitude, Altitude Pacific, Atlantic Publicity Photography and Filming, About Adrienne Papp What Others Say AtlanticPublicitySEO, BrilliantMarketing365, An Honorable Cause, Academic Research, Knighthood Today, Youthful and Ageless™. She was knighted and became a Dame in 2010. Her official name is Lady Adrienne Papp and Dame Adrienne Papp. Voting Member of The International Press Academy and The Oscars: Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. She is the Managing Editorial Director of The Beverly Hills Times Magazine, and Hollywood Weekly. She has a Master of Science in Economics majoring Logistics; an MBA Degree; An International Law, Trade and Finance Postgraduate: Marketing and Advertising Postgraduate from NYU and UCLA. Guest Professor at Oxford University; Director and Producer of TV and Airline On Camera Editorials; Adrienne Papp Enterprises